A few interesting odds and ends:
Some Manchester writers have cooked up a tasty new web-based venture over at 'other' magazine. You can read new writing from various people, admire Nicholas Royle's 20-year-old collection of bread tags, and an annotated diagram of Socrates Adams-Florou's fridge (above). Plus, they're on Twitter. And this post about the absence of a UK independent lit scene has attracted 86 comments!
Not Manchester-based, but interesting all the same. The Literary Platform is a new website showcasing projects involving literature and technology. So if you like what we do over at Rainy City Stories, you might enjoy a browse.
TBA Magazine looks to be a new art webzine based in Manchester. Lovely website and some good lookin' content on there. No word on when issue 1 will be launching - will update this post when I have more info.
And I enjoyed the maiden issue of Things Happen, a fanzine about our fair city from the Manchester Municipal Design Corporation, a subsidiary group of MMU's DesignLab. Website coming soon and a second issue planned for this summer, if they can find a way to pick up the tab. You can find it at FutureEverything events.
hahaha, some of us 'other' folk are based in London too! thank you for mentioning us. x
London? I think I've heard of it.
Keep up the good work!
I know three issues of TBA have been printed so far, but I'm not sure about the future as Holly is leaving Manchester soon. I imagine the website will continue though, even if the print version doesn't.
Kate, don't listen to Albert - he has nothing to do with 'other' (haha). Thanks for the link.
Thanks for the info, Paul - their website says issue 1 coming soon so guessing they've just been too busy to update it ;)
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