New blog Secondhand Safari is the brainchild of Suzy Prince (above) who used to run the excellent Nude Magazine. Suzy has set herself the task of buying no new items for a year (with some reasonable exemptions for food and the like.) It's a mission that I totally support, as a passionate lover of charity shops and buying things that come with their own mysterious history. Suzy's challenge starts on May Day, but there's plenty of good content on her blog already.
Bernadette Hyland is the woman behind Lipstick Socialist, where she writes about culture, women's issues, trade unions and grassroots campaigns.
Laura Moulden's personal blog is at laura em.
Nice to see a food blog focusing on the humble caffs and cafes of Manchester: Angie Harrison's Cafe Reviews. And journalist Louise Bolotin blogs about cooking for one at The Lone Gourmet.
Sheesh. How on earth did I forget to link to David Bailey's mindbendingly gonzo food blog Food Legend? A bit strange as it only won a blog award last year, and I have been telling people to go read it for months. Anyway, this has now been corrected.
Lots more food blog action this time around (finally Manchester wakes up to the food blogging revolution. Huzzah!) Get your teeth around Foods to try before you die, Hungry Hoss, Good Egg Foodie, Lady Nom, Good golly good gobble!, North/South Food, Mangechester and The Hungry Manc. Burp.
Spancunian Andrea Perez Arduna writes Me, Myself & The UK about her experiences living in Manchester, and her partner Daniel writes Simply Sport.
Writer Ebba Brooks blogs at Jenny Wren and Bella Wilfer Her latest post is about Manchester novelist Alexandra Singer and her remarkable story.
Liz Postlethwaite writes the Organic Allotment blog, about monster truck-driving kittens. No, it's about gardening. Just messing with ya.
Jamie Alun Price blogs at The Etched Mirror, which documents the photographer's adventures in Manchester and elsewhere. He also took the photo of Suzy above.
SACStyle is a fashion blog.
Rochdale blogger Seamus Kelly writes a poetry blog Thinking Too Much and also a biking blog, It is so about the bike.
Melanie King writes art catalyst about her arty adventures in London and Manchester.
threadsandletters is about stitches, writings, DIY publishing and photocopies.
The Fiction Stroker reviews books, comics, radio, TV and events.
Outtasound is a new music blog.
Pencil it in is a new culture/digital/design/food blog by Jen, a digital marketer living in Manchester. Like the design.
Curious Christina is a Manchester-based travel blogger.
Dry Goods wants to know what's in your cupboards.
Manchester travel and fiction writer Rhonda Carrier blogs about her journeys and traveling with kids at Rhonda's Travels.
Finally, Bury-based artist Coreen Cottam blogs at Cottamart. Happy readings everyone. And as always, if I've left you out, drop me a line and I'll fix it.
UPDATE: No sooner had I published this than a few people got in touch with additions...
Carolyn Hughes, or the blogger also known as Manchester is Ace has started a new blog about things to do in South Manchester with babies and toddlers, Little Dudes.
Didn'tsbury is "an unusual local photo blog which features photographs taken in Didsbury accompanied with surrealist short fiction. It aims to celebrate Didsbury alongside creative writing which will both bemuse *and* amuse the reader." Nice idea. Submissions welcome.
Finally, James follows the fortunes of Bury in Life, love and third division football.
And there's a couple of really good blogs about ethical/sustainable fashion:
Are these last two both Manchester-based? If so I'll be happy to add them, thanks.
Thanks for adding in Little Dudes, Kate. Always look forward to your blog round-ups so I can catch up on what's new.
Yeh great to see more blogs bout Manchester that you can shack a stick at!? I esp. like the secondhand blog mentioned altho I think I've only shopped at charity shops for a few years now. Thanks #MLab @ManchesterLab
Thanks for adding my blog, Kate. :)
Hi there - how about adding Love Levenshulme http://lovelevenshulme.blogspot.com/. Its been going for three years under 3 owners all of whom have blogged regularly on Levy matters
thanks a lot
An awesome, comprehensive list, Cheers Kate!
[loosely Manc, muchly alcoholic]
Hi anonymous, pretty sure I had Love Levenshulme on there, but might have taken it off if it went a while without a post. I'll re-add it next time. I'll also add you, Champagne Piggy. Thanks guys.
Hi Kate, Just getting round to thanking you for adding a link to my travel blog - Curious Christina. Many thanks! :-)
check out http://vindalooqueen.blogspot.com from a Brit who left Dubai to come to Manchester- food reviews galore!
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