The Observer Woman monthly has been known to make me so angry that I waste perfectly good Sundays being a seething mass of bitter rage, devoting hours to brooding and muttering that were intended for lingering over your third cup of tea and lazily contemplating making another bacon sandwich. So I've stopped reading it. I've strictly limited myself to sneering at the cover (all right, and muttering just a little bit.)
That's why I'm delighted to see that two fine Mancunians have picked up my slack in the righteous ranting department, except they're doing it online and in a much more organized and coherent way. Observer Woman Makes Me Spit is a noble blog that defines its mission thusly:
It arrives once a month. It’s often painful, always annoying. Liable to invoke irrational mood swings and violent bursts of temper. It’s messy, embarrassing and is often known as ‘the curse.’ Yes. It’s the Observer Woman Magazine. Could it be less relevant? Could it be more offensive? 51% of humanity reduced to simpering, bitchy whores of the fashion industry. Nothing to trouble our little minds but hunky men, flashy lip gloss and Gucci gussets. We hate it. We hate it so much we went to all this trouble to set up this blog. And we have real jobs. It took a good 30 minutes out of our drinking time. Spill your bile here. We will.
And I will too. If I ever let myself read it again.
I guess they should steer well clear of Heat magazine then. :-)
I'm a blurke, and Observer Woman makes me want to cry each time it slips out of the paper. In fact, there are so many loathsome elements to the rag that I can't even be arsed to single out the worst... Burn it! Burn it now!
awww bless your cotton little socks and sandals.
Don't know where you are, but we talk of little else but Mulberry bags and our six figure salaries here in Levenshulme...
d&a xx
Spot on! The other thing that really really narks me is, why do they have men's "fashion" (ironic scare quotes) in there as well?
Some of my best friends have most of their clothes bought by their girlfriends. Pink tanktops galore!
Yes yes you speak the truth. Observer magazine is an insult to womanhood. The difference with Heat magazine is that you can casually read found-copies with detached amusement and revel in its brazen trashiness and gossip. The observer magazime is simpering trash cloaked in thinking woman's seriousness, which makes it all the more sick.
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