So why should you come to the blog awards on Wednesday night?
You should come because we'll have all four of this year's best writing nominees in the hizzouse to give us a sampling of their wordy wares: Sally Cook (Nine Chains to the Moon), Socrates Adams-Florou (Chicken and Pies), Jenn Ashworth (Every day I lie a little) and Maureen Ward, ameneusis to Miss EP Niblock (Diary of a Bluestocking) will all read.
Maria Roberts, last year's personal blog winner for Single Mother on the Verge, will read from her forthcoming book based on her blog. It's due out in the spring from Penguin and we're beaming with pride.
Literary dynamo and cat fancier Chris Killen, whose blog Day of Moustaches won last year's coveted best writing award, will be reading from his new book The Bird Room (Canongate). Then I'll ask him some pertinent questions, and we'll have a Q&A so you can ask him some impertinent ones.
Music bloggers jonthebeef of Black Country Grammar and James Yer Mam! will be manning the wheels of steel during the evening's musical interludes and have hand-selected rare and strange tunes for your personal delectation.
And of course you get to find out who won this year's six blog awards, including the extra-special CityLife Manchester Blog of the Year award.
If you're coming you don't have to book a ticket in advance, but you can here if you're the sort of person who likes to make extra sure you're going to get in. (We had some problems before with the booking website saying it was sold out. It isn't.) Otherwise, show up with £2 in hand. You should come to Matt and Phred's Jazz Club on Tib Street after 6:30 and before 7pm on Wednesday, Oct. 22.
Pictured above: Ali's bird room.
I'm looking forward to it! I'll be doing some Qik-ing of the event and possibly even some voxpops for the next 14sandwiches podcast so run away if you're shy...
Hi Manchizzle
Noting your Manchester and regional focus could we swap links? The following blog is associated with a health and social care tool developed in Manchester @ MMU:
The main site on Hodges' model is at:
The model takes a situated and multi-contextual view across four knowledge domains:
* Interpersonal;
* Sociological;
* Empirical;
* Political.
Four links pages cover each care (knowledge) domain e.g. SCIENCES:
Attend NW Drupal User Grp which meets at MDDA, 3rd Thursday of the month.
Peter Jones
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