News of a few new Mancunian blogs has crossed the Atlantic to Vermont (where it has been raining since I arrived, natch...) and we have three additions to the blogroll this week.
First up is Mancubist, a blog connected with music promotion outfit Hey! Manchester. The Mancubist describes the blog as a different take on the Mancunian identity. "I'm just a fan of Manchester - though neither red nor blue - and arts, music, media and life in this fair city. I'm one of those weird people who like the rain." And there's no connection with the Londonist or Gothamist blogs, in case you were wondering - he just liked the name. He's started out with some really interesting posts about sundry things like Chinatown bakeries and The Salford Star, a new "grassroots glossy" Salford-centric mag to be distributed free across the river.
Then we have Continuity in Architecture, a blog run by academics and architects in Manchester and Preston. It's hooked up with the Manchester School of Architecture, where CiA is a teaching studio. It is, naturally, pretty heady stuff, but a lively writing style and interesting topics keep it from becoming totally inacessible to those outside of the industry. Those with a healthy side interest in buildings and stuff (and there are lots of you in Manchester, I know) may want to check in regularly - recent posts explore wayfaring, facades and the evolution of Rome's Porta Maggiore.
Finally, ConnectMedia Northwest is a professional network that holds workshops and get-togethers for journos, photogs and flacks in the Manchester area (the next one is Wed, see site for details.) They also host a blog, and sitemeister Craig always has his eye out for interesting media tidbits, like this recent item about the MEN's foray into blogging. Cool.
(Thanks to Lord Rich of Manchester Bloggers Aggregator for the new blog tips.)
what's a flack?
Sorry ffff, a flack is a member of the public relations industry. Sometimes I get carried away with that american slang...
Merci beaucoup!
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