Here's the shortlist for the 2007 Manchester Blog Awards - it's now with the other judges, Richard Fair of BBC Manchester and Dave Carter of MDDA.
Many thanks to everyone who nominated and was nominated; we had well over a hundred nominations this year, many of them very strong, and it was really difficult to choose. The winners will be announced October 10 at the awards event, so if you've been shortlisted you may want to reserve tickets and save the date. More details on that event as we get closer to the time.
The shortlists (in no particular order:)
Best writing on a blog:
Untitled Supermarket Nightmare/Day of Moustaches
Airport Diaries
A Free Man in Preston
Community Fair
Best political blog:
The Asparagus
Best personal blog:
Single Mother on the Verge
Best arts and culture blog:
Fictionbitch (aka The Tart of Fiction)
The Ring Modulator
The Console (music and visual)
Best new blog:
The Shoe Project
Get Weird Turn Pro
Words Dept.
Renter Girl
bloomin eck!
what an honour. and we're moving servers today - so it isnt even online today!
wow - i look forward to seeing how it all pans out.
thanks manchizzle
there's some cracking blog action there....
Thanks for the add to your blogroll!
Omigod! What a shock, and what an honour!
I'm very flattered.
Thank you very much for my nomination.
I've found some fascinating stuff on your Great Manchester Blogroll. I can see I will be back often!
Crumbs! Better get on with it then eh
I am also very flattered indeed! Don't think I have ever been nominated for anything so thank you very much indeed...
Skipper for Politics blog!
[sour grapes]The only one of these in my ever so humble opinion that is fit to be included in the shortlist.
Don't truthfully know why the others are shortlisted. They are fine and dandy of course. Interesting at times.
But there are lots of worthy local bloggers that have been completely ignored.
What's going on?
I'm hoping to blog the whole shortlist later today or tonight but do please come up with some decent explanations for this weird political shortlist, if you wouldn't mind Manchizzle!
Were they the only nominees?[/sourgrapes]
Anonymous, I'm sorry you don't agree with the political blog award shortlist. But I certainly don't think it is so poor as to require any kind of explanation. Indeed, I consider it a very strong list all around.
I'd be curious to hear which blogs you think should have been on it. (Since you sign the comment "sourgrapes", I'm assuming one of them is your own?)
Thanks for sharing this awesome stuff.
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