Jonathan reminded me that I'd mooted the idea of a Manchester blogmeet in late July, and was wondering what was going on. Well, here's the deal. I've found us a city centre space with free wireless, a dedicated private room, and drinks/snacks to buy: Urbis. The kind folks there are willing to let us use their conference room. The hitch is it was booked through late July, so the next available date would be Saturday August 12. I was thinking 3-5, with folks going on to a pub afterwards if they were so inclined. How does this sound?
I'll be there.
I'll try to be there, but we're moving in August (yes, the whole month), so I can't say for sure.
I'll be there, too.
We're so bloody generous aren't we?
barring Floods, I will there.
er, why not? Should be off the windsurf that weekend!
Me too!
Would have loved to come, but afraid I'm on holiday! Hope it's a great event though.
I'll try to make it.
Me and Girl On A Train are intending to be there.
whilst I'd love to meet up again with tim and girl on a train ... I don't think I'll be able to make it. But I have put a link across to this post.
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