Jeez Louise, it's amazing how many Manchester blogs have come out of the woodwork since the nominations opened for the blog awards (we've gotten in quite a few of those already, but be sure to get yours in by Oct. 1 if you haven't already...) Because there are so many new ones to add to the Manchester blogroll, I'm not going to write as much as usual in the way of introduction, but go check them out.
Cygnet's Review is a funny personal blog written by Joel Swann, a student based in Manchester.
While it's not strictly in blog format, fans will be happy to hear that Wayne Clews continues to publish his "Sex and Self Pity" column every week online, long after the demise of City Life.
Keeper of the Snails is the literary blog of author and academic Claire Dudman. Lots of tasty stuff for folks interested in books and that.
Bothered is a shared personal blog written by two girls in Manchester.
Hyde Daily Photos is a really lovely photoblog featuring the work of contribitors Gerald England and Pamela, who snap quotidian scenes of Hyde life, like the photo above from Sept. 16. It's part of the city daily photo blogring, which I hadn't heard about before. Nice idea.
Michael Taylor, an editor based in Cheshire, writes The Marple Leaf, a personal blog with a motto: Be honest - be loyal - be kind. Cool.
The Mersey Basin blog is the online home of the Mersey Basin Campaign: "an organisation which is concerned with water quality, environment, waterside regeneration and community engagement in the catchments of the Ribble and the Mersey. We're based in the Northern Quarter, but have various action partnerships all over the Northwest. Our first blog has been set up to write about Mersey Basin Week 2006 - a series of related events that will take place at the start of October, but as you'll see, it also covers what we're up to at the moment, local watery news, and some other random musing."
Wow, that's a lot of new blogs. If I've missed anyone, let me know.
Thanks for mentioning Hyde DP and adding us to the links.
Pamela doesn't actually contribute photos to Hyde DP. She does a similar blog in Tenerife, and helps me out when I'm on holiday. To ensure we don't miss posting something every day, I prepare posts in advance and while I'm away Pamela "pushes the buttons".
Most of the DailyPhoto blogs co-opt someone to help out in this way.
This coming holiday Pamela will be posting shots from the environs of Hyde [Manchester, Buxton, Stalybridge &c] rather than the town itself for a change.
Would like to suggest the 'Save The Ribble' Blog for your awards - I think we just scrape in to your qualifying criteria, the river ribble actually being the border!
Thanks for including Bothered on your bog roll. x
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