Anyone feel like getting together for a blogmeet? There are loads of new folks on the blogroll I've never met, and it'd be real nice to see some of my old blogging buddies. We never talk anymore.
I'm thinking upstairs at Trof NQ might be a good place. It's usually fairly quiet up there before the DJ starts at 9 (and they can reserve us tables). Plus they do all manner of drinks as well as good food in case anyone's hungry.
I am most eager to avoid clashing with any other Important Business though (are the Decemberists in town? heh heh) so anyone who might like to come let me know if Tuesday March 10 is a really bad idea. We could do the following night, or another night entirely. Suggestions appreciated.
I'd be interested in attending.
That sounds like a splendid idea. As someone who is relatively new to blogging I would definitely be up for meeting up with people who have far more writing practice (and talent) than myself, if only to steal all your best ideas.
I'm interested Arthur Chappell http://twitter.com/arthurchappell http://arthurchappell.me.uk/index.htm
If it is on Oxford Road I might be able to make it
Max, I think Trof at the deaf institute might be too busy for us as they generally have stuff on every night... but if enough people want to do this round that end of town we could find somewhere there.
I'm up for this, I reckon. Can we wear name badges?
Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!
Um, sorry about that, I couldn't resist. Yes, I'll bring badges because otherwise we won't know who we are.
Ooh good. Yes, 10 March works for me.
I'm all in favour if it helps bring about a UK tour by The Decemberists.
I'd deffo be interested in attending. How about somewhere in Lancaster as a possible venue?
wonderful idea, I'm in
Hey, I'd be well up for that, it'd be cool to meet everyone in person.
I blog about sound in manchester @ http://envirosonic.blogspot.com
I am interested too. Suggest something is setup on meetup.com or similar?
How about anyone who is so inclined making their own badges?
Any excuse to get the Fisher-Price badge-making kit out of the attic!
Hello, I would like to come!
Am new to blogging so would be good to meet you. Date & venue is good for me.
Carolyn (Manchesterisace)
Great, it sounds like there is plenty of interest. I'll get the ball rolling.
yep - I'm up for it - let me know where and when
March 10th works for me - don't think that clashes with any gigs for me.
Managed to miss the blog awards because I had the wrong date in my diary - D'oh!.
Ah! Such a bad day for me. Another time. :(
Also, glad to miss fearful name badges.
Okay, cool. I am talking with the Trof folks today but seems like a go for that time and place. Will update the post when all is confirmed.
Ella, do not fear the name badges. They're not obligatory. You could also write your blog's name across your forehead in black marker. Or simply be mysterious and not wear one.
I will definitely try to come. it might spur me into writing on my blog again..!
I'm in! (If that's okay...)
if that's okay? of course it's okay!
if that's okay? of course it's okay!
Sounds like a good idea. Unfortunately it's a bit far to come. Maybe next year when I'm back. Hope it goes well.
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